Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cycle through Clipboard when using Visual Studio Editor


Cycle through Clipboard when using Visual Studio Editor

Have you wondered what does below option at ‘Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Language’ means ?


This is an example of how thoughtful folks at Visual Studio are. Many a times when I copy a text and try to paste it on a blank line, rather than selecting Ctrl +P , I by mistake select Ctrl+C. This wipes out my copied line and I again need to go back for copy . That’s annoyance.

Now go the the above location and uncheck the checkbox as below.


This disables my ability to accidently copy a blank line. So when try Ctrl+C it does not copy the line to clipboard if the cursor is at a blank line.This makes Ctrl+V always paste the selection I copied earlier. That’s cool.

Copy[Ctrl C] and paste [Ctrl V] comes to Visual Studio developers as naturally as breathing to humankind.

Rather than using Copy[Ctrl C] and paste [Ctrl V] in pairs, developers can  store multiple cut/copy segments in the memory and use Ctrl+Shift+V to cycle through them.

To try this, simply select texts in editor and continue to copy your selections using Ctrl C. You can copy up to 20 selections at a time.

Now point your cursor where you want to insert these selections and select Ctrl+Shift+V. Keep hitting ‘V’ key to cycle through the list of all the selections you have.Hit enter and your selected selection will be pasted where cursor is located.

Having learned this you can argue that you can use Ctrl+Shift+V to cycle through and paste your selection rather then enabling the option provided by Visual Studio.That’s true, but why press another key when Visual Studio has already  done the job for you. Well , I will not !!!

Published Sunday, March 08, 2009 7:44 PM by rishish

Coffee Geekz and Technology : Cycle through Clipboard when using Visual Studio Editor

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