Friday, February 27, 2009

Log Parser and SQL


Log Parser and SQL

I thought everyone who wants to know how to put the windows events or IIS Logs to SQL already know about it. But for my amazement it is not the case. Quick search on the web did not turned up a short tutorial. So how to move my window events to SQL? Here it is

Install the Log Parser on the box.

Get the Log Parser from

Create a database and a table in SQL.

Run the following Query

Use master


Create Database MyEventDataBase


use MyEventDataBase



[EventLog] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

[RecordNumber] [int] NULL ,

[TimeGenerated] [datetime] NULL ,

[TimeWritten] [datetime] NULL ,

[EventID] [int] NULL ,

[EventType] [int] NULL ,

[EventTypeName] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

[EventCategory] [int] NULL ,

[EventCategoryName] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

[SourceName] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

[Strings] [varchar] (max) NULL ,

[ComputerName] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

[SID] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

[Message] [varchar] (max) NULL ,

[Data] [varchar] (max) NULL



Make a directory called LogImport in C drive.

Make a bat file with the following entries:

copy \\LogMachineName\Logs\EventLog.evtx . /Y

"c:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\logparser.exe" -i:evt "select * into Audit from c:\logImport\eventlog.evtx" -iCheckPoint:CheckPoint.lpc -o:SQL -oConnString: "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};server=RAFAT20082;Database=DownloadEventLog;Trusted_Connection=yes;"

del *.evtx /Q

NOTE: Pay attention to the highlighted area and fix the path as per your environment.

Check help for LogParser and play with other options, it is a powerful tool; its numerous options will always give you a solution for your Log problems

Tech Crumbs : Log Parser and SQL


Unknown said...

no credits?!? just copy & paste?

daspeac said...

I have heard about another way of how to fix the sql 2000 server physical drive. Besides, you can visit my blogs at: or where I’m trying to share my experience with regard to data corruption issues.

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