Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Internet Explorer goes green for "go"


Internet Explorer goes green for "go"

If you use the latest version of Internet Explorer, you might have noticed that occasionally your address bar turns green, especially when you're about to enter your credit card number.

In Internet Explorer, a green address bar means that the site that you're on uses Extended Validation (EV) SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates to help ensure that you're on the Web site that you think you're on. You will also see the SSL padlock, which indicates a secure site, and additional details about the certificate authority (CA) that further verifies the site’s legitimacy. To get an EV certificate, businesses must complete a thorough documentation process and verify current business licensing and incorporation paperwork.

For more information, see Recognize phishing scams and fraudulent e-mail and Internet Explorer and Extended Validation SSL certificates.

Posted: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 5:42 PM by Marcelle Amelia

Security Tips & Talk : Internet Explorer goes green for "go"

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