Sunday, October 5, 2008

Installing Open Xml Power Tools binaries


Installing Open Xml Power Tools binaries

Get your PowerTools for Open XML binaries HERE!

You will need:

  1. OpenXml SDK installer
  2. Windows PowerShell installer
  3. PowerTools for OpenXml binaries package

Your computer must have the .Net Framework 3.5 previously installed.

First, install both OpenXml SDK and Windows PowerShell packages.

Then unzip the PowerTools for OpenXml binaries package into a location you like (we strongly recomend unzipping to the Program Files folder).

Next, double-click on the register.bat file at the unzipped folder and press any key when asked.

Now you can test the installation by opening Windows PowerShell and typing this:

Get-PSSnapin -registered

the PowerTools entry should be displayed there.

Last, enable the package by typing

Add-PSSnapin OpenXml.PowerTools

Serve and enjoy!

Now you can play around with the provided cmdlets. Don't forget you can get the list of cmdlets published by typing

Get-Command -PSSnapin OpenXml.PowerTools

Róger Bermúdez Blog : Installing Open Xml Power Tools binaries

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