Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Perhaps this explains our contemporary politics, we all have different perceptions on what the important issues are, then politicians cater to each subset off us, with different messages. This might enable politicians to win races, but it removes their ability to lead their entire constituency once elected.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Microtargeting is the use by political parties and election campaigns of direct marketing datamining techniques that involve predictive market segmentation (aka cluster analysis). It is used by United States Republican and Democratic political parties and candidates to track individual voters and identify potential supporters.

They then use various means of communication -- direct mail, phone calls, home visits, television, radio, web advertising, email, text messaging, etc -- to communicate with voters, crafting messages to build support for fundraising, campaign events, volunteering, and eventually to turn them out to the polls on election day. Microtargeting's tactics rely on transmitting a tailored message to a subgroup of the electorate on the basis of unique information about that subgroup.

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